How to Use AI to Prioritise 10,000+ Keywords

Aug 23, 2023 7 min read
prioritize keywords with AI
Note: The weekly How the F*ck newsletter will be written by a guest author throughout August. This week, Tim Hanson is taking over the show. Tim's a good friend and one of the people I most trust in the SEO and content strategy space. Need a strategist or coach to push your content team to the next level? Tim is your guy.

If youā€™ve been following Benā€™s amazing content for any time youā€™ll know about the benefits of content at scale.

As much as I love scaled content production, this brings along its own issues.

One big one is...keyword prioritisation.

Iā€™ve seen far too many great content strategies get lost in a spreadsheet of 10k keywords with no idea what to do next.

Iā€™m Tim Hanson, owner of fivethreeoh. Iā€™ve built content strategies for 50+ series A-E SaaS clients. At this point, Iā€™ve organised and prioritised a few million keywords to help make my clients over Ā£23m in revenue from organic traffic in the last 3 years.

I used to do this manually. Over 5 days. Now it takes an hour.

In this newsletter, I'll show you how I do it for my clients.

Iā€™ll take a list of 10k+ keywords and prioritize them so that:

  • Easy wins come first
  • They're aligned to business goals
  • Whilst also giving the difficult content the time it needs to rank

We'll need a few things: A keyword list, some data against those keywords, and about an hour of time.

This one hour will save me months in flopping around, back and forth, making no headway.

Iā€™ll then create a formula in Google Sheets to spit out a number based on the various inputs Iā€™m gonna give it.

  1. Those inputs depend on what Iā€™ve gotten from the tools weā€™ve used, search vol, cpc, cps, a keyword difficulty score, an ā€œSEOā€ score, trending data, how many keywords are being considered in the same search, SERP overlap, etc.
  2. Iā€™ll need to know what my goals for this content are, too. Is it traffic? Is it conversion? Topical Authority? Iā€™ll need to chat with my client to get straight on this.

With this data, Iā€™ll create a series of prompts to help me work through this problem and give me a formula that works best for me, the data I have, and the goals I have.

A quick note on data sources. Youā€™re going to want to get them all into one spreadsheet. Whichever way you wish to pull all the data into one spreadsheet is up to you. I got real familiar with array vLookups. You choose your poison.

Now, letā€™s have a chat with our favourite AI chatbot.

Iā€™m gonna use ChatGPT.

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