Wanna Rank Fast? My Big 3 Factors.

Feb 25, 2024 — 3 min read
Wanna Rank Fast? My Big 3 Factors.

🌶️ secret sauce alert

SEO doesn’t have to be slow.

In fact, it shouldn’t be that slow. 

The faster you rank for a keyword, the faster:

  1. You get traffic
  2. You get data to iterate from
  3. You get to create growth for your business

So, if you’re still sitting there after 6-12 months waiting for anything to happen…🚩

Yes, it’s never gonna be “put $10 on Facebook Ads and get 10 visitors today” fast.

But with my strategy & content production clients, I see content rank and earn traffic incredibly quickly. 

If the site has existing authority...I often see content rank in the top 5 in <48 hours.

If it’s a new site, sometimes those results take as little as a few weeks.

The reason? 

I play to win.

→ Strategies that balance short and long-term growth

→ Content that’s designed to be better.

In this newsletter, I want to run you through some of the factors I care most about if I need content to rank fast.

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